Cosplay like a champ with help from these retro trekkies
Thinking of cosplaying for the first time but not sure if you should? Looking for some motivation to start your next costume? Got a killer idea but aren’t sure if you can pull it off?
Look no further: let these badass lady cosplayers from some of the earliest Star Trek conventions be your inspiration.
Image source: Knit Me a Pony
First and foremost, they look amazing. But what’s more amazing is the 1972 Star Trek Convention held in New York was one of the first of its kind - these badass women who showed up in costume didn’t know what to expect, but brought their A-game anyway.
Image source: Jungle Frolics
These days, you can google pictures from last year’s Comic-Con, or surf Twitter, or Tumblr to know how to dress or what you’re walking into. You don’t have to worry about being over- or under-dressed, because you know what conventions are like.
Image source:
But the women who showed up as Orions, Vulcans, Starship Captains, and more didn’t have the internet at their fingertips like you do to find templates and inspiration. All of their costumes were constructed by hand using just the show as their guide.
Image source: I Believe in Fairies
No tutorials on YouTube, no internet forums to help with fabric choices, no online shopping for the exact button and belt to complete their look. If they can look this good, so can you.
Image source: Tales of the Lalloure
Worried about your costume being good enough to impress? Stop right there. The forefathers – or should I say foremothers — of modern cosplay wouldn’t want you to feel like that. The key to a good cosplay is confidence.
Image source: Fanboy.Com
Remember: cosplaying is about you, and showing your love for the show of your choice. Don’t worry about what anyone else is going to think or say. Only you will know just how much time and love (and sweat and tears) you put into your look. Strut your stuff like the woman above, even if the stars of the show are watching. (And yes, that costume contest is being judged by George Takei.)
Image source: Vintage Everyday
That said, the power of friendship is also extremely important. If there’s one thing we can learn from looking at retro lady cosplayers, it’s that they relied on each other for support, friendship, and a good time. You’ll probably even make some new friends.
Image source: Nerd Reactor
Cosplaying with your girl friends is like having an army of support behind you. Any man who claims that Star Trek — or any fandom — isn’t the place for women; just point them in the direction of these ladies.
Image source: CVLT Nation
When you’re cosplaying, you’re not just representing your favorite character — which is the best feeling ever — you’re helping keep your fandom alive. Every time you attend a convention to show your life, you are helping to keep that show alive. In the 70s, female Trekkies literally saved Star Trek from network cancellation.
Image source: Bionic Disco
That’s right, the show was going to be cancelled after just two seasons. But through fan organization and letters, the show was brought back for another wild, wacky, loveable season.
Image source: My Disguises
These ladies you see dressed up here? That could be you. Showing everyone that your show deserves to live or, if it’s already off the air, that it is worth loving and watching and appreciating years later.
Image source: Syfy
The time you spend making your costume, the pride of wearing it in a place where everyone loves the fandom, getting to spend time with your friends and make new ones, and have memories and photos to share in forever, makes it all worth it.
Image source: Tales of the Lalloure
If you’re thinking of dressing up for your next convention, here is what every retro Trekkie cosplayer would probably tell you: just do it!